Shari Eberts is a hearing health advocate, writer, and avid Bikram yogi. She blogs at and serves on the Board of Trustees of Hearing Loss Association of America. Shari has an adult-onset genetic hearing loss and hopes that by sharing her story it will help others to live more peacefully with their own hearing issues. Connect with
” The reason most people assume that I know sign language is because people with cochlear implants and who use listening and spoken language are NOT well represented in the US media.” We talk with Jessica Chaikof, a junior majoring in sociology and a minor in chemistry at Wheaton College (MA), about life with cochlear implants. SA:
Confidence and speaking skills for deaf children feature in this CNN video with Michelle Christie, founder of the No Limits non-profit, which now has three centres in California and in Las Vegas, to provide infant verbal intervention to families who otherwise could not afford it. College In Their Sights No Limits For Deaf Children builds a college-going
Olivia Williams is reading Applied Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology (US), and received her first cochlear implant at age 5, after losing her hearing when aged four. 1) Would you consider being deaf and a cochlear implant user part of your identity? Why, or why not? Yes, I do consider myself as a cochlear
Current teens with cochlear implants will like to read of Singapore-born Dr Joseph Heng and two female students, US-born Victoria Popov, with otolaryngology (ENT) in her sights, and UK-born Genevieve Khoury, in her second year of a medical degree. With clear surgical masks available for healthcare workers with hearing issues, and Bluetooth links going directly from stethoscopes
” I think the biggest obstacle is getting people to realize not all deaf people use ASL; a lot can actually speak, write well, and carry on long conversations in sometimes non-ideal settings.” We interviewed Alanna Kilroy, a business student at Boston University, who uses cochlear implants, is verbal and studied in the UK for
Lisa Goldstein is a journalist based in Pittsburgh, who happens to be deaf and verbal, with a cochlear implant. We interviewed her to discover what life is like when working her day job and running a family home with a hearing husband, two children and cat. SA: What bugs you most when people don’t understand your own
Infant detection of child deafness, auditory verbal therapy and preschool are the bedrock for children to enjoy learning in mainstream classrooms at their local schools. Spoken-language #earlyintervention is crucial. @ShepherdCentre — Caroline Carswell (@soundadvice_pro) February 13, 2017 Early Hearing Response Is Paramount As early-interventionist Pamala Cross explains, the 1-3-6 elements in this approach are:
Just recently, The Ear Foundation launched its “Spend To Save” Europe-wide report to confirm the real cost of hearing loss and how access to today’s [hearing] technology across Europe, can transform individual lives and save public funds. Actual figures put the UK’s total loss from not making hearing technology available, at the €30 billion mark when
Ireland – the latest country in Europe to move its healthcare system to the cloud – held its first Health Innovation Week from November 19 to 24, 2016 with speakers ranging from chief information officers in healthcare from the UK and Ireland, to patients and innovators. Disrupting Healthcare Systems Healthcare is (positively) disrupted when innovation is
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