The 95 Decibels film returned to Dublin on June 10th, 2017 at the Irish Film Institute, for a “Take Two” after a successful event in 2014 at which many parents realised their children with cochlear implants CAN get to listen and talk, with guidance from auditory-verbal therapists. The film-making Meyers family from New Jersey joined a Q&A
The US Ambassador to Ireland, Kevin O’Malley, hosted the event “Wired For Sound: Treating Deafness With Cochlear Implants” at his Dublin residence on July 15, 2016. Representatives from Ireland’s National Cochlear Implant Centre, Trinity College’s Neuroengineering team and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, attended – with guests from the Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Centre
In early 2016, Sound Advice was named a top-100 global inclusive education entity by the Zero Project, and exhibited February 10 to 12 at the United Nations office in Vienna, Austria. On February 12 Louise Honck from AVuk joined Caroline Carswell to present the auditory-verbal (hearing-speech) case for inclusive education in the conference panel session
The Irish Times Insight magazine asked what state supports are open to entrepreneurs with disability who start a business – at risk of losing any social welfare benefits they may get? Interestingly, mainstream education is cited as a source of the learning and skills people need for self-employment. Fiona Reddan talked to Caroline Carswell about her
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