Students at Loyola University, Maryland are captioning live sports events to gain critical work experience and enable the university to deliver on its campus-wide accessibility goals. Read: Loyola students to provide live captioning for athletics events Ironically, the routine glitches in YouTube’s auto-captions service led the university to hire a student volunteer team to caption its official videos. From there, the
Attendees of the CESI 2012 conference last February, will recall the live captions that were requested by Sound Advice’s Caroline Carswell, to facilitate her access to the sessions – and to give a live demo in her own presentation. Live Captions Retained A Full Day At CESI 2012 The CESI organisers arranged these live captions
Sound Advice presented on classroom captions at CESI 2012 February 24-25, with the theme of TEACHnology: merging teaching and technology. Miriam Walsh very kindly co-presented on captioning videos for education, as an intern with Sound Advice. See The Presentations Miriam Walsh’s slides (she became an Apple Educator!) Saturday’s session (February 25) was web-cast via
“Communication technologies [for] people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing are just as much for the general hearing public… in that they foster communication between both groups.” ** Think of SMS texting on mobile phones, web-chat (via text, video or voice), and Facebook or Twitter posts as everyday solutions for universal access. Real-time captioning (CART) and
At IDK’s tech and education event in Dublin on October 10th 2011, a few tech solutions were profiled for their role in facilitating children with hearing issues to listen, communicate and learn in mainstream environments. Classroom Technology As A Leveler A key point: technology needs integrating into an environment, to benefit everyone present – not just
“Fiver Friday“, launched on July 1st, aims to encourage the Irish population to go out and spend €5 extra on local products to kick-start the economy. IDK is offering its award-winning childrens’ book, “A Birthday For Ben“ at €5.00 per book, on Fridays through end-August 2011 (down from €8.99). Subscribers to our monthly ezine can buy
In late 2010, a Young Social Innovators group in Drogheda, Co Louth, asked IDK to advise on their project. These students are now short-listed for the 10th Young Social Innovators annual showcase in Dublin on May 11, 2011. Read about the Louth students’ project >> Sixty projects were short-listed from over 350 social-action projects pitched
In late 2010, a group of Transition Year students from Greenhill, Drogheda, decided to enter the 2011 Young Social Innovators (YSI) competition. Their project is about deafness, so they contacted IDK for initial information. The YSI competition is held every March at the RDS in Dublin, to encourage students to use their skills and talents to create a
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