Teachers, finding a diversifying mix of students in their classrooms, are always seeking new tools to simplify their preparation for impending classes. Two of these three tools offer learning-content creation with audio, slides, subtitles, notes and video while accommodating students of varied abilities. First up, is Panopto, a soution to deliver searchable, accessible multimedia content
Parents of newly-identified children who’re profoundly deaf, have a lot going on. Not least, they must make hearing and communication choices on behalf of the children, and decide how the family is going to communicate in general. Recently, the US state of Florida passed legislation for parents to be told of all the possible communication options
His profile reads “I am the happiest deaf teenager on Facebook”. UK-based Jamie Williams started writing a blog after a friend said how happy and content he is, even when he’s deaf. And his writing ability shows in the blog. Read: Deaf teenager’s blog takes Facebook by storm Jamie’s blog is “A Deaf Boy in
Most deaf children with residual hearing can learn to lip-read and speak when digital hearing devices and speech therapy are available from a very early age (zero to three). Free eBook For Families Teaching Spoken Language Try this ebook, “Teaching A Deaf Child To Hear And Talk: Perfectly!” (PDF format) This is called the oral approach. For hearing
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