Statistically, more deaf and hard-of-hearing students are enrolling in mainstream third-level institutions in the US (Raue & Lewis, 2011). The same is happening in Ireland, with more students in this diverse deaf population accessing higher education than ever before. Tertiary education supports students who: have hearing aids and use their residual hearing have a cochlear implant (CI)
“Sorting post in the mailroom of a large UK publishing house wasn’t what I went to university for. Admittedly the job was in the right field – publishing – the subject of my post-graduate diploma. The difficulty lay in convincing my new colleagues to see my potential, and not to focus on my hearing issues
The National Deaf Childrens’ Society (NDCS) in the UK believes deaf children need to be better accommodated in the government’s 2020 strategy for the workforce dealing with children and young people. NDCS’ key recommendations in its feedback on this strategy include: Better guidance for mainstream teachers working with deaf children An audit of the early years workforce so the
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