Children and young people who wear hearing-aids and cochlear implants can use a new microphone, the Roger Pen, which cuts background noise when listening to music, stories or TV and pairs with mobile phones for calls. Infants and Preschoolers As babies with hearing-devices travel in buggies, the words their carer says to them, goes directly from the
Childcare facilities may overlook childrens’ cognitive spoken language and social-emotional skills development with the other early-skills children must learn, according to a recent piece in Canada’s ‘The Castlegar Source’ newspaper. When children learn and practice early social skills like turn-taking, sharing and interaction, with hand-eye coordination and early physical development, their exposure to rich, spoken
In Ireland, the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) free pre-school year is set to open up equal education opportunities to children nationwide. The scheme, which is to be rolled out from January 2010, will be available to all pre-schoolers in Ireland, born between 2 February 2005 to 30 June 2006 (exemptions are made for
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