A new app enables children with hearing-aids and cochlear implants, to practice their listening and speaking with flash-cards and a range of speech sounds for each letter. Very cleverly, the app has parent tips for its use. Read: New HOPE Words App for iPhones and iPads Video: See the Hope Words App in action The
The Core Points Newborn hearing tests (since 2012) and infant education give today’s kids a headstart. Today’s cochlear implants and hearing-aids give digital sound quality like never before. Infant verbal education leads children into preschool with peer-level spoken language. Over 3,300 deaf children in Ireland (90%) are mainstream-educated, with under 4% using sign language (#NCSE, 2011). Currently
Deaf students with good English language skills are able to learn European languages the same way they did English – visually, and through reading. The use of web-based videos in language-learning allows deaf students to simultaneously see + hear new words in the new language being learned. A good example is SpanishDict.com, the online Spanish
Children need to develop literacy skills before their first day of school and research consistently shows children learn literacy skills even before talking. Emergent literacy theorists believe that children start learning about literacy (reading and writing) from birth. Infants can learn about the letters of the alphabet and concepts of print long before they are
Find more tips from the mum of a deaf boy, and a creche manager online: Including Deaf Children At Preschool (Part One), & Part Two. Key Question: what information sources did you use for advice on Charlie’s early learning in the creche? (internet / flyers / other?) (The Mum) Our creche owner contacted the NAD
In recent years websites such as CaptionTube and independent services made videos and audio more accessible to deaf or hard of hearing people. In November 2009, Google announced the automatic captioning of videos on its YouTube site to boost captioning provision and support text indexing. Existing captioning services are not always user friendly or free.
Irish company, Off We Go! Publishing, has released a set of books for children to learn about different first-time experiences in early life. These books benefit those with special needs and any young child experiencing these outings for the first time. Twelve different titles are in the series, including “Going on a Plane’, “Going to
Word-rich TV shows, online games and hands-on resources improve preschoolers’ literacy, a new study by the Corporation of Broadcasting in the United States has found. Media resources in the program improve literacy in kids aged 2 to 8. For this study, 400 students in up to 80 classes from 47 different centres were taught in
Reading is a key skill for deaf children to develop, as our world is driven by information. Think about it – your child and their peers will grow up with email, texting, computer tools, captioned TV, DVDs and online video clips. As this website noted recently, digital tools like email, webtext, Skype, video relay or chat, can
The Usborne book range includes the “Baby’s First Flashcards” product, excellent for language work at home, while being fun for babies and parents to look at and hold. Infants from 3 months upward have the option of a sharp graphic design on one side, as they learn to focus their eyes. Older babies will enjoy the softer,
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