A music teacher’s refusal to wear a FM microphone in a thirteen-year-old girl’s music class at a middle school in Vermont, US, is the focus of a state legal case on the student’s rights. Reading the legal briefing document for this case gives excellent insights to practical challenges and limits of using a FM system
IDK presented on ‘Sound Effects’ at CESI‘s 2014 conference on Galway’s GMIT campus, with this year’s theme of ‘Spark The Imagination‘. This presentation explored how certain aspects of sound are experienced similarly, regardless of a person’s hearing level, and particularly now that digital hearing-devices can be mapped to a wearer’s specific hearing-levels. Sound fields were also discussed
Until now, eReaders (digital book-reading devices) were used exclusively by adults, but the release of vTech’s eReader models for children and Apple’s iPad means it is time to explore the benefits of eReaders for kids. One year ago, IDK noted how web technologies make story-telling inclusive for deaf and hearing children who may be in
A pilot scheme in the UK which aims to improve service co-ordination for children with deafness, is expected to be underway by early 2010. The Local Record of Deaf Children in the UK seeks to improve services and raise awareness of the numbers of young people living with hearing loss. Information will be shared by
Accessibility is a primary focus in modern education. Recent years have brought the introduction of new tools like CaptionTube (a captioning tool for YouTube videos), interactive whiteboards and now podcast transcripts. Teachers and lecturers can face challenges in preparing for a class where a student has hearing issues. If a teacher is showing a video
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