Captioning service providers in the US are seeing more requests from the education, enterprise and government sectors as video captioning is outsourced to meet defined quality standards for mission-video strategy. Read: Buyer’s guide: Captioning Serices For Online Video Entities which proactively caption mission-videos also discover the benefits of video-captioning. These include searchable transcripts in video footage,
With Google Ireland celebrating ten years at its base in Dublin by opening The Foundry, its innovation and conference centre, a look at how its Google Glass technology might impact people with hearing issues, is relevant. One example is the nascent possibility to reassign Google’s voice-search service to deliver realtime voice-to-text transcription, at a desktop, on a
Most people who’re severely to profoundly deaf (even with digital hearing-devices) will mention recurring exhaustion from “actively listening” all the time to communicate, to receive and remember daily facts, and to process at warp-speed detail that’s fed to you – in its incompleteness or entirety. A multi-choice survey on the “Hearing Ourselves Think” blog by
Like doctors, veterinarians who’re deaf can use adapted stethoscopes to listen to animal heartbeats and gauge vital signs during their daily work. For vets like Bethan Hindson (UK), demonstrating ability and addressing outdated attitudes led to acceptance to study veterinary practice at college – which should not be the case. Accessible, Remote Learning Is Key
It makes perfect sense. Carrie Spangler, an educational audiologist in Ohio, was mainstream-educated as a child and teen with hearing issues. She’s now mentoring teen students like herself, who are in mainstream classrooms with hearing peers. Read more: Hitting Her Stride The advice in business is to use what you know, as Carrie Spangler is
Miriam Walsh – now teaching content coordinator for Cork VEC’s iTunes University education platform – joined the Sound Advice team in 2009, as a graduate in journalism. Here’s her story. What did you like best about working with Sound Advice? Sound Advice gave me independence to research articles I wanted to write, with guidance as needed.
Soundfields for learning, and their procurement, are a recurring question Sound Advice gets from parents and educators. Here’s a “Soundfields 101” piece to demystify the obtaining and use of these audio-systems. Soundfield presentation from Sound Advice’s EdTech event in October 2011: Soundfield Classroom Audio (Andrew Taylor, Classroom Comms) Q: What is a soundfield (audio) system? A:
Monica Heck, a past student of journalism at DCU, wrote a feature piece on deaf students at third-level in Ireland, for DCU’s College View paper. Read: Deafness at Third Level Each student will choose different supports at third-level. Some prefer speed-text (digital note-taking), or CART (ad verbatim note-taking), with a minority preferring sign-interpreters. Ireland’s Deaf Pupils
Statistically, more deaf and hard-of-hearing students are enrolling in mainstream third-level institutions in the US (Raue & Lewis, 2011). The same is happening in Ireland, with more students in this diverse deaf population accessing higher education than ever before. Tertiary education supports students who: have hearing aids and use their residual hearing have a cochlear implant (CI)
On April 26th, phase one of a national newborn hearing testing programme in Ireland will begin in Cork, with national roll-out expected by end-2012. The HSE assigned just under EUR2 million for the programme in its 2011 plan, with a view to expansion across the HSE South region at end-2011. Ireland has about 74,000 births
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