In early 2016, Sound Advice was named a top-100 global inclusive education entity by the Zero Project, and exhibited February 10 to 12 at the United Nations office in Vienna, Austria. On February 12 Louise Honck from AVuk joined Caroline Carswell to present the auditory-verbal (hearing-speech) case for inclusive education in the conference panel session
Anyone who requests live captions or CART (communication access in realtime) for an educational or training context, knows the pain points of (1) defining your hearing issues (2) explaining what CART is, and its benefits (3) arranging its provision and (4) establishing who actually pays for it. One blogger, Chelle George, describes in detail the
Analogue television is being switched off in the EU in 2012. This will have mixed effects on access for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and educators using TV in their teaching. Here’s what to expect. Digital Television for All (DTV4All) is a European Commission (EC) funded project. Access services here, are subtitles and sign-language interpreting, for
On November 5th, 2010, The Irish Medical Times published a very significant piece, “Review Set To Tackle Audiology Waiting Lists“. IDK is delighted to see the NAR taking these steps in very difficult economic conditions. DeafHear (formerly the NAD) also deserves commendation for its sustained campaign toward universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS). According to the
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