Demand for specialist teachers of speaking deaf children is so high that all graduates from the teaching program at California Lutheran University (CLU) were hired out of their course before summer 2017 began. Summer camps for verbal children with hearing issues to build peer support and address learning gaps are similarly growing in the US, with
Monica Heck, a past student of journalism at DCU, wrote a feature piece on deaf students at third-level in Ireland, for DCU’s College View paper. Read: Deafness at Third Level Each student will choose different supports at third-level. Some prefer speed-text (digital note-taking), or CART (ad verbatim note-taking), with a minority preferring sign-interpreters. Ireland’s Deaf Pupils
On February 8th, 2011, IDK featured in the health supplement of the Irish Times newspaper. The feedback was extremely positive: here is an extract from one email received last week. Dear Caroline, Sound Advice [IDK] is a wonderful site, very cheerful and informative. I noticed in your bio, you studied history at Trinity [College Dublin]. So
Last April (2009), Irish Deaf Kids (now Sound Advice) received an Innovation Voucher worth €5,000 from Enterprise Ireland, to be used to solve a business issue. The Innovation Voucher initiative, introduced in 2007 by Enterprise Ireland, aims to create links between Irish knowledge providers and small businesses. To qualify for an Innovation Voucher, a company
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