Anyone who requests live captions or CART (communication access in realtime) for an educational or training context, knows the pain points of (1) defining your hearing issues (2) explaining what CART is, and its benefits (3) arranging its provision and (4) establishing who actually pays for it. One blogger, Chelle George, describes in detail the
The year 2009 was significant for student classroom captions in the US. Three students with hearing issues – two high school students in California, and the other, a physician student at Creighton Medical School (MA), began legal challenges to use captions as a favored support, beyond classroom FM systems and additional assistive listening devices. Creighton
Teachers, finding a diversifying mix of students in their classrooms, are always seeking new tools to simplify their preparation for impending classes. Two of these three tools offer learning-content creation with audio, slides, subtitles, notes and video while accommodating students of varied abilities. First up, is Panopto, a soution to deliver searchable, accessible multimedia content
Journalism as a career option is viable when you have hearing issues, with technologies like Twitter, Skype, email and instant messaging. However, YouTube and web-videos are a challenge to access, as this writer notes: Read: Technology gives deaf journalists more options Disclosing (and when to disclose) hearing issues is always a challenge, but the reality
Recruiters and HR directors need to read this piece. It’s brilliantly written by a 21-year-old programmer who’s deaf and finding his way in his workplace. Read more: Being deaf (and other life lessons) This lad’s start-up has limited budget for access services, but a transcriber is hired for big meetings. Generally speaking, he says “HR
Sound Advice presented on classroom captions at CESI 2012 February 24-25, with the theme of TEACHnology: merging teaching and technology. Miriam Walsh very kindly co-presented on captioning videos for education, as an intern with Sound Advice. See The Presentations Miriam Walsh’s slides (she became an Apple Educator!) Saturday’s session (February 25) was web-cast via
Teaching supports like captioning on a tablet PC, can allow deaf students to learn in operating theatre practicals where everyone is masked and gowned. The University of California solved the issue of a deaf student lip-reading masked colleagues in theatre, by using a tablet PC to provide live-captioning (CART). The PC device was wrapped in clear plastic
Last April (2009), Irish Deaf Kids (now Sound Advice) received an Innovation Voucher worth €5,000 from Enterprise Ireland, to be used to solve a business issue. The Innovation Voucher initiative, introduced in 2007 by Enterprise Ireland, aims to create links between Irish knowledge providers and small businesses. To qualify for an Innovation Voucher, a company
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