A teacher asked about using an iPad with a pupil who’s partially hearing: What apps for reading and English did the Sound Advice team recommend? How can the student listen to audio files and Skype, from their iPad? The student wears Phonak hearing aids and uses a FM system in school. This list suggests apps
As Ireland’s newborn hearing tests roll out nationally, India has initiatives that show how low-cost services are viable, even if resources are limited. Newborn hearing testing is rolling out in India, where the initiative in the city of Kochi received national attention. Since 2003, over 62,000 babies have been tested in 34 hospitals, with 92
Children with hearing-devices, who need to listen in noisy classrooms, were seen to benefit from a three week, intensive active-listening programme to train their brains to filter out background noise as they learned in class. Read: Auditory Training Benefits Children With Hearing Issues Persistent background noise in classrooms means hearing-device wearers can miss entire chunks
Journalism as a career option is viable when you have hearing issues, with technologies like Twitter, Skype, email and instant messaging. However, YouTube and web-videos are a challenge to access, as this writer notes: Read: Technology gives deaf journalists more options Disclosing (and when to disclose) hearing issues is always a challenge, but the reality
This poem was shared by a family whose son changed primary schools last September. He needed a snazzy way to tell his schoolmates and teachers about his hearing, and how to communicate with him. Here’s the result: I am Deaf and it’s Okay I am deaf, and it’s okay It’s not my fault – I
Like doctors, veterinarians who’re deaf can use adapted stethoscopes to listen to animal heartbeats and gauge vital signs during their daily work. For vets like Bethan Hindson (UK), demonstrating ability and addressing outdated attitudes led to acceptance to study veterinary practice at college – which should not be the case. Accessible, Remote Learning Is Key
“Hearing-aids are the avenue through which a child can listen [and learn]”, says US-based pediatric audiologist Jane Madell. Children who hear only what someone says directly in front of them, receive just 10 to 15 per cent of the information they need for incidental learning and language acquisition. Read: Helping Families Accept Hearing Technology Madell
Childrens’ speech and spoken-word recognition skills can influence their mainstream school placement, according to new research from Tel Aviv University. Early detection of hearing issues and intervention strategies are confirmed in this research as vital preparation for the childrens’ education. Read: Speaking skills crucial for children in the classroom Notably, the study concluded that hearing
Families of children with cochlear implants in Ireland are to write to the Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, after broadsheet paper The Examiner revealed over 350 children must wait up to six years for second implants. Read: Reilly urged to fund ear implants programme A parent posted information to Sound Advice’s Facebook page after asking Beaumont
After this post, families in Ireland organised via the Sound Advice Facebook group, into the ‘Happy New Ear’ campaign for bilateral implants. At end-2013, the HSE announced that bilateral pediatric cochlear implants in Ireland would be funded. Despite the progress of Ireland’s national newborn hearing test programme, parents have concerns about the lack of two (bilateral) cochlear implant
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