Lisa Goldstein is a journalist based in Pittsburgh, who happens to be deaf and verbal, with a cochlear implant. We interviewed her to discover what life is like when working her day job and running a family home with a hearing husband, two children and cat. SA: What bugs you most when people don’t understand your own
Ireland’s hospital waiting lists for routine procedures often feature in national news reports. Otolaryngology (ENT) wait-times were the third-longest of the publicly visible waiting lists at January 2016. Accordingly, Sound Advice was invited to present at an Open Health Data Night at the Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin, on January 20th, 2016 in a panel
SPIDER, a European project about service design, held its final conference, “Innovating Public Services In Challenging Times” at Dublin Castle, on June 9th and 10th, 2015. Key Learning Points Public services in Europe need reform to address the recurring, ‘wicked’ social issues. Four co-creation models were presented by Birgit Mager for innovating public services. The historic social power slope has
Online course and MOOC access issues are being flagged by individuals bringing lawsuits against content providers, the latest being Ian Deandrea-Lazarus in New York state – who requested closed captions on course content instead of sign language interpretation. Read: Student at University of Rochester suing the American Heart Association In February 2015, the New York Times reported that
Each CD in the photo depicts a specific career and life stage after finishing postgraduate study in the UK and overcoming some obstacles to get my first graduate job (video). Collectively, the CDs show a long career in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) which gets overlooked with the more recent work in education and technology. Last month, a request by Joanna Norton at
Deafness is not a learning disability, as the NDCS routinely reminds us. However, the UK’s education system is not ‘failing’ children who are deaf, as this headline suggests. Rather, the infants’ education begins at home with their families, once their hearing difficulties are confirmed with a diagnosis and hearing-devices ideally accessed at the earliest opportunity. Children Born After 2006 Accessed UNHS
Using telepractice systems to remotely manage and tune cochlear implants saves vital time for child and adult wearers in terms of travel, hours missed at school or work and quality time spent with friends and family members. One family with a six-year-old wearer of a cochlear implant, told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer how teletherapy saves travel
Parent attitudes are similar when teaching support hours are sought for children with extra educational needs, at mainstream schools in the UK and Ireland. This report from The Guardian defines the challenges of special needs or teaching assistants in the classroom: Read >> Relying on TA support for SEN students is false economy In the words
Children who wear digital hearing-aids consistently, have better speech and language abilities overall, due to having access to incidental sound. Researchers at the University of Iowa proved this correlation in preschool-aged children with hearing-aids by measuring (1) the benefit the aids gave the children and (2) the duration for which the aids were worn, every
Teamwork by families with schools to optimise listening environments, pays off for students like these two siblings (video). Having said that, a recent national survey by support entity AG Bell shows schools to be unaware of simple process changes and accommodations that really make a difference. VIDEO: Students strive to overcome challenges in school Additional
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