Newborn hearing testing in Ireland is progressing well, with potential impact on the lives of children eligible for unilateral or bilateral cochlear implants, the Medical Independent reports – but the system has follow-up ‘shortfalls’. Read: The Sound of Silence Early detection of hearing issues is essential for children to benefit from the cochlear implant programme, the MI quotes
Like doctors, veterinarians who’re deaf can use adapted stethoscopes to listen to animal heartbeats and gauge vital signs during their daily work. For vets like Bethan Hindson (UK), demonstrating ability and addressing outdated attitudes led to acceptance to study veterinary practice at college – which should not be the case. Accessible, Remote Learning Is Key
“Hearing-aids are the avenue through which a child can listen [and learn]”, says US-based pediatric audiologist Jane Madell. Children who hear only what someone says directly in front of them, receive just 10 to 15 per cent of the information they need for incidental learning and language acquisition. Read: Helping Families Accept Hearing Technology Madell
NOTE: Since this post at end-2012, HSE access to bilateral pediatric cochlear implants is available to eligible children aged under 18 in Ireland, as a result of this campaign. Last month, the Irish Examiner revealed that over 350 children are awaiting second cochlear implants from Beaumont Hospital’s pediatric service, due to HSE caps on budgets for public
Childrens’ speech and spoken-word recognition skills can influence their mainstream school placement, according to new research from Tel Aviv University. Early detection of hearing issues and intervention strategies are confirmed in this research as vital preparation for the childrens’ education. Read: Speaking skills crucial for children in the classroom Notably, the study concluded that hearing
Families of children with cochlear implants in Ireland are to write to the Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, after broadsheet paper The Examiner revealed over 350 children must wait up to six years for second implants. Read: Reilly urged to fund ear implants programme A parent posted information to Sound Advice’s Facebook page after asking Beaumont
Piloting planes? Impossible for people with hearing issues? Wrong! Prepare to change your thinking after reading these personal accounts. Read: Deaf pilot spreads the word: You can fly As this pilot reveals, “[using visual cues for] deaf and hard-of-hearing people applies to everyone using English as a second language”, with safety enhanced for both types
It makes perfect sense. Carrie Spangler, an educational audiologist in Ohio, was mainstream-educated as a child and teen with hearing issues. She’s now mentoring teen students like herself, who are in mainstream classrooms with hearing peers. Read more: Hitting Her Stride The advice in business is to use what you know, as Carrie Spangler is
Amy Jordan, a student at a mainstream (Irish-speaking) gaelscoil in Dublin, shares her experiences with exams and teachers while using a FM system with hearing-aids at school. Read more: Mainstream Education Through Irish Recently, Amy did a week’s work experience with Sound Advice, to learn more about working with deaf children in Ireland, a career area
Some years ago, Sound Advice’s Facebook page showed a photo, advising us all to “Keep Calm and Celebrate Diversity”. Our point was that diversity exists in the deaf population too, and some people don’t know – or acknowledge – this fact. Diversity In The Deaf Population Read: Different Models of Deafness In Ireland, the media
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