Late in 2009, South Africa’s “Got Talent” show announced its winner, a deaf hip-hop dancer named Darren Rajibal. The 19 year-old had danced for just four years when during a power cut he decided to entertain family and friends by dancing. Many of his moves were learned from internet videos. After the show, the lead
Young deaf students attending Lawrence Elementary School in the US have seen the literacy and numeracy benefits of a new software initiative. FM Systems Remove Ambient Noise In the classroom, audio output from the computer is sent via radio waves, directly to receivers the students wear on their hearing aids and/or cochlear implants. Ambient noise
IDK was invited by the Arts Council to attend its Future Arts: FYI 2010 event for youngsters aged 15 to 23, in Dublin (March 27 – 29, 2010). Our role was to give a ‘hearing’ angle to the young delegates at the weekend’s discussions and workshops. This included basic hearing-awareness, explaining how Speedtext & ISL
Find more tips from the mum of a deaf boy, and a creche manager online: Including Deaf Children At Preschool (Part One), & Part Two. Key Question: what information sources did you use for advice on Charlie’s early learning in the creche? (internet / flyers / other?) (The Mum) Our creche owner contacted the NAD
In recent years websites such as CaptionTube and independent services made videos and audio more accessible to deaf or hard of hearing people. In November 2009, Google announced the automatic captioning of videos on its YouTube site to boost captioning provision and support text indexing. Existing captioning services are not always user friendly or free.
At Griffith College, Cork, SMS texts are used to advise students of cancelled classes. Texting is a simple and often free method of communication that is available to anyone with a mobile phone. And these users range from young kids given phones by parents just in case of an emergency, to the elderly who may
A teacher recently asked IDK how to source a soundfield system for a child at their school. The system needed to be movable between classrooms. Our first response was to ask if the school has any contact with the Visiting Teacher service for deaf students at the Department of Education (DES). If yes, the visiting
Ann Heelan, executive director of AHEAD (Association for Higher Education Access and Disability), recently had an excellent piece in The Irish Times. A key point in the article states: ” Children with disabilities can learn as much as other children when given the right tools and the right learning environment. Technology can make a significant
A conference on The Future of Deaf Education in Ireland took place at The Croke Park Conference Centre in Dublin, on March 4th, 2010. The conference saw the launch of a new policy document compiled by, The Catholic Institute of Deaf People and the IDS that aimed to set out a new future for
Irish company, Off We Go! Publishing, has released a set of books for children to learn about different first-time experiences in early life. These books benefit those with special needs and any young child experiencing these outings for the first time. Twelve different titles are in the series, including “Going on a Plane’, “Going to
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