Teachers, finding a diversifying mix of students in their classrooms, are always seeking new tools to simplify their preparation for impending classes. Two of these three tools offer learning-content creation with audio, slides, subtitles, notes and video while accommodating students of varied abilities. First up, is Panopto, a soution to deliver searchable, accessible multimedia content
Earlier this year, Ireland’s Teaching Council invited all registered members to apply in a lottery to attend Feilte, its festival of digital-teaching projects to celebrate World Teachers’ Day in Dublin, on October 5th, 2013. IDK was later invited to present on classroom acoustics at the conference. With 75% of a school-day consisting of students listening to
IDK is cited in the “Living A Life Less Ordinary” feature in the ‘Living’ section (p.15) of the Independent, a broadsheet newspaper in Ireland (28/9/2013). Context Is Everything The context derives from Sound Advice’s post on Andrew Solomon’s book, “Far From The Tree”, with a critical review of the issues it raises on personal identity.In identity terms,
Toddlers may learn spoken language faster via video which is interactive, such as Skype or video-conferencing, according to research from Temple University and the respective Universities of Delaware and Washington. Toddlers learn language faster via interactive video Notably, the toddlers in this research learned new words only during live video chats (back/forth conversation), and not
Teacher-training to work with children who have hearing issues is altering in the US with new demand for teachers who can teach listening-and-spoken language (LSL) when working with children who wear hearing devices. Read: PACS gets USD 1.18mn from US Department of Education Specifically, the US Department of Education is funding the training of 40 teachers in LSL and
One year ago, IDK mentioned South Africa’s Eduplex school, a solid model for inclusive education at home and oveseas. Recently, a new critique on inclusive education was published by the development advisor for the Centre for Disability Development Research, Law and Policy, Johannesburg. Read: Zambia: Inclusive Education For Deaf Children A very pertinent paragraph to
Ninety-Five Decibels, a crowd-funded US-made film about the emotional choices parents face on learning their baby is deaf, will launch in September 2013 with Goran Visnjic from the TV series ER, in a lead role. This film makes some vital points: Digital hearing aids and cochlear implants give infants who are deaf or hard of
Over-parenting, or the “misguided attempt to improve [a] child’s current and future personal and academic success”, is a risk for all parents, and not just parents of children with extra needs. Here’s a teacher’s view on the issue: Read: Why Parents Need To Let Their Children Fail We all know parents who won’t let go
School supports and resource-teaching allocations raise the question of how much support a child actually needs in a classroom, or in a school. Has anyone asked if certain children need help, and if so – when exactly, just how much help, and at what stage of schooling? The Sound Advice team knows of SNA requests for
In the US, two to three children in every 1000 births is born profoundly deaf, 90% of these babies into hearing families. The average age for a baby to receive a cochlear implant is falling, with research showing babies of 6 to 9 months to benefit more from the technology, than even at 12 months,
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