Irish Deaf Kids held a technology and education event in Dublin on October 10th, 2011. The event proved to be invaluable for all attendees, and was put together to give parents, educators and other stakeholders in-depth insights to how deaf and hard-of-hearing (hoh) children can use digital tools to better communicate and learn in a
“Video-games, and the type of learning and thinking they generate, may serve as a cornerstone for education and economies of the future”. For children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, video-games offer great learning potential. Social and interpersonal skills can be taught, as can problem-solving abilities (which the children in question may have already). Read: Is Gaming
IDK is hosting a seminar, “Communicate, Educate, Integrate – Technology and Deaf Children in Mainstream Environments” on October 10th, 2011, in Dublin. This FREE event is for everyone with an interest in hearing, communication, language, learning and leveling technologies for deaf children/students in mainstream settings. No prior understanding of deafness or of the technology solutions
The teaching of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing has altered with technologies like cochlear implants and speech-to-text tools, according to a recent report from Project Forum, at the National Association of State Directors of Special Education, in the US. Read: Technology Has Changed The Teaching Of Deaf Students Notable findings in the report include: Greater acceptance
A recent news story cited the Virginia School for Deaf and Blind (VSDB), to show how an IT implementation can go wrong. One very surprising aspect of the story, is that it happened in the United States, which leads Ireland in the availability of technology and resources to deaf & hard-of-hearing children. The story details
In response to a mum’s recent mail, here’s what may be expected when a child’s cochlear implant is switched on for the first time. After a cochlear implant is activated, a child can take more than a month to respond to sounds they hear. Then, “the real work begins”, families are told. (Lights, Sound) Activation!
Statistically, more deaf and hard-of-hearing students are enrolling in mainstream third-level institutions in the US (Raue & Lewis, 2011). The same is happening in Ireland, with more students in this diverse deaf population accessing higher education than ever before. Tertiary education supports students who: have hearing aids and use their residual hearing have a cochlear implant (CI)
The parent of a deaf student emailed IDK. Her child’s secondary-school teaching support hours were cut during Transition Year, when the regional SENO said this was not the case. A deadlock had resulted, so our advice was sought. Here’s what we suggested. Get a statement of resource teaching &/or SNA hours at the start. All
NOTE: Digital hearing-devices are available earlier, to many pupils and students since this post was written in 2011. Some are accessing sound from infancy with actual independence and self-directed learning in their classrooms. The Special Needs Assistant (SNA) scheme in schools in Ireland was assessed in value-for-money terms by the Department of Education and Skills
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are not mandatory in schools in Ireland, but give a practical way to structure and document a child’s learning progress. Parents & educators will use web-based tools for regular, collaborative contact and record-keeping. Try this formal IEP Checklist for a child in mainstream education. Building An Individual Education Plan When devising an
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