Research evidence is emerging that “parent-to-parent support, described as parents with lived experiences providing support to each other, is recognized as a distinctive and important type of support system” for families whose children have hearing issues. Read: Parent-to-Parent Support For Children With Hearing Difficulty In 2007, this was one catalyst for Irish Deaf Kids (Sound
The Educational Audiology Association (EAA) in the US is hosting a webinar on July 22, for which families and professionals may like to register. Educational audiologists maintain school acoustic quality and students’ cochlear implants, hearing aids and FM systems during the day. Based on district policy, aural rehabilitation (sound practice) may be in their remit. Contracted
Using telepractice systems to remotely manage and tune cochlear implants saves vital time for child and adult wearers in terms of travel, hours missed at school or work and quality time spent with friends and family members. One family with a six-year-old wearer of a cochlear implant, told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer how teletherapy saves travel
This post follows “Ireland’s Only Audiology Course Being Scrapped” (August 2, 2013). Today, the students don’t have the answers they need, and are losing time to transfer to new audiology courses in the UK. To start with, what is the impact of Ireland losing its only audiology course? Dropping this 4-year degree course at Athlone Institute
Schools in Ireland received a €43 million investment for IT systems in November 2010 from the Department of Education, but this total is insufficient, according to the National Centre for Technology in Education (NCTE). Here’s why all schools need IT investments. This €43 million allocation was good news for schools, but the budget fails to
One of Sound Advice’s most-received questions is, “Which system is better for a deaf child to use at creche/school, a (personal) FM system, or a soundfield?” This article, “FM Systems ‘versus’ Soundfields“, from the American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA), gives great insights into the pros/cons of each. Follow the links below to establish how your child
With today’s teens doing Transition Year work experience and internships to gain workplace skills, businesses need specific advice on hearing awareness. Multinationals, small businesses, retailers and corner shops can all make their service hearing-friendly to broaden their current customer bases and reduce unintentional discrimination during their daily operations. Some everyday tips from deaf people: For
Late in 2009, South Africa’s “Got Talent” show announced its winner, a deaf hip-hop dancer named Darren Rajibal. The 19 year-old had danced for just four years when during a power cut he decided to entertain family and friends by dancing. Many of his moves were learned from internet videos. After the show, the lead
“Sorting post in the mailroom of a large UK publishing house wasn’t what I went to university for. Admittedly the job was in the right field – publishing – the subject of my post-graduate diploma. The difficulty lay in convincing my new colleagues to see my potential, and not to focus on my hearing issues
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