Google’s YouTube product manager Brad Ellis, discussed provisions for web-video accessibility at Streaming Media West in November 2013. According to Ellis, the onus is on web-video creators to caption their own content, and Google is fully aware of the shortcomings in its tools to automate captions. Read: Google and YouTube on Accessibility And Captions With
Early interaction with babies and infants from the age of 4 weeks by family, lays their communication foundations, according to a new book, “Small Talk” by UK-based speech teacher Nicola Lathey and journalist Tracey Blake. Read: Early Teaching Helps Babies To Talk Parents of children with newly-found hearing issues can now read the basics about
The “Buddy Ears” app was devised for children to practice listening skills after getting a cochlear implant. Educational games have words, links and commands for the children to learn to listen to, and to follow. Read: Local Kids Test iPad App For Listening Practice This app should be on the iTunes store by September if released
With children under 13 years of age most challenged by ambient classroom noise, school acoustics are vital to childrens’ learning in their formative primary or elementary schooling years, says audiologist Jane Madell. Read: How Classroom Acoustics Impact Learning Crucially, Madell notes a major change in deaf education: Maybe only 15 years ago, many children with
As everyday home, school and teaching content becomes digitised, more accessible literacy-learning tools are needed, particularly for younger children encountering spoken-language vocabulary and grammar structures for the first time. In 2010, “A Usability Guide to Intelligent Web Tools for the Literacy of Deaf People” was published in Italy. Several key points are noted: the age at which
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