Biologically, our (human) ears are made to talk to each other – to identify sounds, to lower interfering sounds, prioritise vital sounds and locate the source of a sound. This sound apportioning happens via a neural reflex that links the cochlea of each ear via the brain’s auditory control centre – to balance hearing between
Widespread criticism resulted after a history professor at Memorial University in Canada, refused to wear a third-year student’s FM transmitter in a lecture, citing religious reasons for her stance. In 1996, the same professor secured an exemption from the university from wearing a FM transmitter for a past student, who has spoken publicly about the
Hearing tests in South Africa via teleaudiology systems now offer two options for client diagnostics. The first is asynchronous tests with clients tested (remotely) online and results passed to a professional. With synchronous tests, a client’s hearing is tested in real time, with the professional reviewing and referring the test results onward as relevant. Apps For Self-Programming Hearing-Aids Transmedicine audiology systems, or
Two new apps, CinemaConnect and MobileConnect, are devised for cinema and theatre fans to optimise incidental show dialogue for their hearing needs simply by calibrating the sound levels on their smart phones – even when hearing devices are not worn. A streaming audio signal transmitted from the movie screen or stage is detected by a user’s phone, with sound relayed
Children believed unlikely to benefit from routine cochlear implants now have the option of auditory brainstem implants (ABIs), some years behind cochlear implants in testing terms. Several reports on ABIs featured in the online press recently: Read: Research Breaks Sound Barrier For Kids Lacking A Hearing Nerve ABIs were available outside the US since 2005 but in the US got given only to children
For the last blog post of 2014, here are some recent media pieces, to remind ourselves how early access to hearing and speech services can improve childrens’ life prospects. Lydia Denworth (author of I Can Hear You Whisper) Lydia Denworth’s recent post in Time Magazine, Raising A Deaf Child Makes The World Sound Different, will resonate with parents of
We already know almost all babies can lip-read when aged six to twelve months, to learn their mouth-shapes for talking. At this time, babies’ brains are processing speech sounds in the part of the brain that manages motor movements for producing their own speech. Six To Twelve Months Old From 7 to 11 months old (the
A young dancer who’s deaf, wrote a review of the game, “Dance Central Spotlight” with Kinect, with several accessibility tips for developers of gaming interfaces. Specifically, Video games are not excluding [people who have hearing issues] with music-based games, but are… providing a visualization of music that can bring music to deaf and hard of hearing gamers in
The Educational Audiology Association (EAA) in the US is hosting a webinar on July 22, for which families and professionals may like to register. Educational audiologists maintain school acoustic quality and students’ cochlear implants, hearing aids and FM systems during the day. Based on district policy, aural rehabilitation (sound practice) may be in their remit. Contracted
Canadian-born Jordan Livingston (aged 19) has won a scholarship to train toward becoming a commercial aviation pilot. The significance? He wears two cochlear implants and was born profoundly deaf, to a hearing family. Read >> Deafness doesn’t ground aspiring pilot from Rancho High Predictably, Livingston met some nay-sayers, as is reported: People wondered if Livingston
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