Teaching supports like captioning on a tablet PC, can allow deaf students to learn in operating theatre practicals where everyone is masked and gowned. The University of California solved the issue of a deaf student lip-reading masked colleagues in theatre, by using a tablet PC to provide live-captioning (CART). The PC device was wrapped in clear plastic
Initially the Apple iPhone, a relative newcomer to the Irish telecoms market, may seem to be just another gadget, but there’s a lot more to it. The iPhone 4 differs from its predecessors in being marketed for video calls, media consumption, web and e-mail access. Most relevantly, it supports the FaceTime application which none of
For a €4k cash prize, small firms in Ireland were recently invited by 3 Mobile and the Sunday Business Post’s “Computers in Business” magazine, to describe how €4,000 would boost their business in 2010. Irish Deaf Kids is delighted to advise that its pitch won the competition. This funding will be invested in a project
Premier Captioning Wicklow are proud to advise that they are working with a deaf student at Trinity College Dublin to provide support in group tutorials where students are asked to discuss questions or issues raised by the tutor. Remote Captioning Services Save Resources PCR’s service is remote, meaning the transcriber does not have to be
A recent conference hosted by AHEAD got me thinking about my education, and learning situations where tuition support might have helped. By far the most challenging of my three third-level courses was the IT conversion course. These courses are known for their accelerated pace. That wasn’t the problem, however. Computer-based classroom practicals were the glaring
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