Families (and adult cochlear implant wearers) routinely ask Sound Advice to recommend apps at different stages in their path to digital hearing – often for the first time. Speech & language development have close links to early literacy skills, therefore parents and caregivers who actively read and talk with their children are likely to raise
Students at Loyola University, Maryland are captioning live sports events to gain critical work experience and enable the university to deliver on its campus-wide accessibility goals. Read: Loyola students to provide live captioning for athletics events Ironically, the routine glitches in YouTube’s auto-captions service led the university to hire a student volunteer team to caption its official videos. From there, the
Being a girl can help, at times. Especially when pitches to win tickets to [inter]national events are offered in an attempt to redress the gender imbalance in the IT industry. This specific event was Web Summit 2014 in Dublin, one capital in the internet of things (IoT) with Santander (Spain), Chicago (US) and Christchurch (New Zealand). A double of sorts resulted
The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) held a conference in Dublin, ‘Disability Through The Lifecourse‘, on September 16th, 2014. This event was very relevant to Sound Advice, with the keynote speaker, Professor Sheila Riddell from the University of Edinburgh, citing post-school transitions research from NDCS in her keynote presentation. Most of the social group profiled from
We already know almost all babies can lip-read when aged six to twelve months, to learn their mouth-shapes for talking. At this time, babies’ brains are processing speech sounds in the part of the brain that manages motor movements for producing their own speech. Six To Twelve Months Old From 7 to 11 months old (the
A young dancer who’s deaf, wrote a review of the game, “Dance Central Spotlight” with Kinect, with several accessibility tips for developers of gaming interfaces. Specifically, Video games are not excluding [people who have hearing issues] with music-based games, but are… providing a visualization of music that can bring music to deaf and hard of hearing gamers in
School placement is everything for children with cochlear implants. This explanatory piece is about an 11-year-old boy named Wyatt in the US, whose parents wanted him to have a mainstream education. Here’s what happened when he attended a school for deaf students: Wyatt was treated as if he were a deaf child with a hearing aid who needed to
Media work traditionally was challenging when people had hearing issues – but digital hearing devices have changed this. Essentially, the children in this video use new media tools and presentation skills as their hearing peers do. Talking to camera in a #newsroom – and creating media! http://t.co/8FxvVF7chz #cochlearimplants #summercamp — Caroline Carswell (@irishdeafkids) June 9,
Cued Speech may be finding its place with digital hearing-devices. From the 1960s, Cued Speech was seen as “too oral” by signing deaf people and “too manual” by families using the verbal approach, but this could be changing. Right On Cue: Cued Speech For Communication Reasons For Using Cued Speech Literacy and reading skills are
Passive screen time for under-twos has no educational benefit and may slow language development, according to US-based nonprofit entity, ChildTrends. Read: Tech For Tots – Not All Bad – Or Good One-To-One Interactions “Children learn best by interacting with other people and the world around them”, said Kathy Hirsh-Pasek of Temple University. To this end,
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