A new app enables children with hearing-aids and cochlear implants, to practice their listening and speaking with flash-cards and a range of speech sounds for each letter. Very cleverly, the app has parent tips for its use. Read: New HOPE Words App for iPhones and iPads Video: See the Hope Words App in action The
Are you curious about what your child will learn when they start school? How will they learn, and with what? Computers, not books! Today’s toddlers are digital natives. Namely, they will grow up knowing how to use smartphones and tablet PCs, regardless of their social or educational background. More preschoolers know how to use a
The parent of a deaf student emailed IDK. Her child’s secondary-school teaching support hours were cut during Transition Year, when the regional SENO said this was not the case. A deadlock had resulted, so our advice was sought. Here’s what we suggested. Get a statement of resource teaching &/or SNA hours at the start. All
Following a major review of audiology services in Ireland that revealed a history of neglect towards essential pediatric hearing services, a national newborn hearing testing programme (UNHS) began in Cork in April 2011. The test, to screen for deafness in newborn babies, enables earlier intervention for family-centered child-language development and a national roll-out of the UNHS
Deaf children can find mathematics challenging in terms of the vocabulary, language, and the need to understand new concepts. A solution has come to our attention: The Number Board, from Galway-based Wesco Ireland. What’s really clever, is that the Number Board is interactive whiteboard-compatible and has corresponding software for multi-sensory learning. The Number Board is
The Usborne book range includes the “Baby’s First Flashcards” product, excellent for language work at home, while being fun for babies and parents to look at and hold. Infants from 3 months upward have the option of a sharp graphic design on one side, as they learn to focus their eyes. Older babies will enjoy the softer,
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