Student preferences for reviewing podcasts in class, feature in a piece contributed to The Atlantic by Michael Godsey, an English teacher based in San Luis Obispo, California. In the piece, “Why Podcasts Like ‘Serial’ Are Helping English Teachers Encourage Literacy“, Godsey saw student engagement grow when podcasts with transcripts were used in class. With 62%
For over 30 years, families used cued speech to give deaf children visual access to sounds for lipreading (speechreading in the US) and to facilitate the child’s literacy by using the family’s language for reading and writing. Visual Cues To Speech Sounds A very small number of children (with today’s digital hearing-devices) don’t get to hear
Google’s YouTube product manager Brad Ellis, discussed provisions for web-video accessibility at Streaming Media West in November 2013. According to Ellis, the onus is on web-video creators to caption their own content, and Google is fully aware of the shortcomings in its tools to automate captions. Read: Google and YouTube on Accessibility And Captions With
People with hearing issues synergise their sight and hearing senses to detect and assimilate environmental information, according to research by Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (CERCO, CNRS/Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier), with the ENT department at Toulouse’s Hôpital Purpan. Read >> Hearing With Sight: Why Implants Have Variable Results Lip-Readers See And Hear Sound
Toddlers may learn spoken language faster via video which is interactive, such as Skype or video-conferencing, according to research from Temple University and the respective Universities of Delaware and Washington. Toddlers learn language faster via interactive video Notably, the toddlers in this research learned new words only during live video chats (back/forth conversation), and not
Having to verbally “translate” for signing deaf friends who do not lip-read, confirmed this skill to Rachel Kolb, a masters student at Stanford University in California. She writes eloquently here, about the challenges of lip-reading. Read: Seeing At The Speed Of Sound In a TEDxStanford talk (June 2013), Rachel Kolb talked of being deaf in a hearing world,
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