Irish Deaf Kids held a technology and education event in Dublin on October 10th, 2011. The event proved to be invaluable for all attendees, and was put together to give parents, educators and other stakeholders in-depth insights to how deaf and hard-of-hearing (hoh) children can use digital tools to better communicate and learn in a
A deaf person’s life-experience of the education system, shapes their views on deaf education, according to a new post on the Paraquad Disability Blog. >> The Deaf Education Debate Continues: Influences of technology, policy and environment The different perspectives in this post need reading, to understand the core issues around school placements for students who
In late 2010, a Young Social Innovators group in Drogheda, Co Louth, asked IDK to advise on their project. These students are now short-listed for the 10th Young Social Innovators annual showcase in Dublin on May 11, 2011. Read about the Louth students’ project >> Sixty projects were short-listed from over 350 social-action projects pitched
A pilot scheme in the UK which aims to improve service co-ordination for children with deafness, is expected to be underway by early 2010. The Local Record of Deaf Children in the UK seeks to improve services and raise awareness of the numbers of young people living with hearing loss. Information will be shared by
Babies and toddlers need to become familiar with books before reaching school age, otherwise they will tend to associate books only with school. Infants at home will be attracted to simple pictures in books, which can prompt their first item-and-word link, the initial step in language-learning. Toddlers exposed to image-rich books and flash cards early
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