Fred Suter, a deafened student from Germany who’s studying modern languages in the UK, shares how he uses realtime captions in lectures for 100% access to course material with a laptop, microphone and wifi network. Read: Experience of Communication Support At University For the Sound Advice team, this is exactly how students who’re deaf or hard-of-hearing
If you’re a parent or teacher with a deaf child starting a new school year, here’s a quick reference list that might answer some of your questions. Hearing Assistance Entitlements Educational Supports in Ireland Advocating For Your Child’s Service Provision The Visiting Teacher Service: Background Details The Effective Use of IEPs in Irish Classrooms What
Premier Captioning Wicklow are proud to advise that they are working with a deaf student at Trinity College Dublin to provide support in group tutorials where students are asked to discuss questions or issues raised by the tutor. Remote Captioning Services Save Resources PCR’s service is remote, meaning the transcriber does not have to be
Alarm clocks give any child more independence, including deaf children, who aren’t always aware of their household starting its new day. Clocks For Children and Teens The Wake’n’Shake jumbo alarm clock has a large face that may be easiest for kids to read and has two parts, a clock and a vibrating shaker. Teens with iPods or
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