Sibling influences shape a younger child’s language more than was thought, according to new research of 385 preschoolers in Ontario, Canada, and which was published in the February print edition of Pediatrics magazine. Older children influence language development This research has implications for children with hearing issues in larger families, where parents may interact less
In June 2013, Sound Advice’s Caroline Carswell gave a workshop, “Mindset Change: Transforming Perceptions of Ability“, at the conference of the UK’s National Association of Disability Practitioners (NADP), in Cheshire, northern England. The Problem (Solution)! Read: Active Role Modeling Explained Parents, fearing for their child’s social, emotional and physical wellness, can overprotect a child and
A question that comes my way is, “where are all the deaf people?”. It’s mainly people over forty who ask this question. Many, never having met a deaf person, are full of questions about the daily challenges, peoples’ attitudes, technology and so on. Others, not wanting to cause offence, don’t voice their questions but stumble along with any
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