In February 2014, Sound Advice was quoted in a two-page feature in the Sunday Business Post magazine, with predictions for future hearing technologies. Many thanks to the Oman family for contributing insights to family life when two boys wear cochlear implants. Get both pages as PDFs: Page Fourteen and Page Fifteen. Click on this image
Statistically, more deaf and hard-of-hearing students are enrolling in mainstream third-level institutions in the US (Raue & Lewis, 2011). The same is happening in Ireland, with more students in this diverse deaf population accessing higher education than ever before. Tertiary education supports students who: have hearing aids and use their residual hearing have a cochlear implant (CI)
“Fiver Friday“, launched on July 1st, aims to encourage the Irish population to go out and spend €5 extra on local products to kick-start the economy. IDK is offering its award-winning childrens’ book, “A Birthday For Ben“ at €5.00 per book, on Fridays through end-August 2011 (down from €8.99). Subscribers to our monthly ezine can buy
For a €4k cash prize, small firms in Ireland were recently invited by 3 Mobile and the Sunday Business Post’s “Computers in Business” magazine, to describe how €4,000 would boost their business in 2010. Irish Deaf Kids is delighted to advise that its pitch won the competition. This funding will be invested in a project
In February 2010, The Sunday Business Post interviewed Kate Gaynor from Special Stories and IDK’s Caroline Carswell about their book, “A Birthday For Ben”. The two-page feature in the SBP’s Agenda Magazine can be read as two colour pages (PDF files) on these links: (1) Page 24 (2) Page 25 or by enlarging the image
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