On July 20th 2013, The Economist published a very damaging article about cochlear implants, which give families with born-deaf children valuable opportunities, such as using two spoken languages in the family home. Read: Listen Up: Technology That Lets Deaf People Hear Team Sound Advice recommends reading the below response from the founder of the Cochlear
Educational outcomes for children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing, is the focus of a new policy advice paper from the National Council for Special Education. Read the paper: The Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Ireland Download the presentation in PDF format. The goal of the paper is that children who are “deaf
The increasing cohort of 21st century parents and deaf children who choose technology like cochlear implants in place of learning sign-language, is documented in a front-page article in The New York Times (July 27, 2011). Less than 20 percent of all families [with deaf children] choose American Sign Language, with 80 percent wanting their children to
On March 4th, 2010, a new joint policy document was launched by the Catholic Institute of Deaf People, Trinity College Dublin, the Irish Deaf Society and DeafHear. This document is historic in being the first agreed approach to education and supports from deaf-led and other organisations providing services to the signing deaf community in Ireland.
A conference on The Future of Deaf Education in Ireland took place at The Croke Park Conference Centre in Dublin, on March 4th, 2010. The conference saw the launch of a new policy document compiled by DeafHear.ie, The Catholic Institute of Deaf People and the IDS that aimed to set out a new future for
France, where the first sign language originated and influenced American & European sign languages, has a mixed system for educating deaf children. About 12,000 deaf children and adolescents are currently in the education system in France, out of an estimated population of 61.5 million. An estimated 500 deaf students are in third-level education – but partially deaf
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