Deafness had a key role in the invention of the phone, the internet and SMS texting. Miriam Walsh explains the link to each technology. Would you consider deafness to have influenced the telephone, Internet and SMS texting as everyday communication tools? Most people would not – but deafness is the universal link. The Phone Let’s
At Griffith College, Cork, SMS texts are used to advise students of cancelled classes. Texting is a simple and often free method of communication that is available to anyone with a mobile phone. And these users range from young kids given phones by parents just in case of an emergency, to the elderly who may
A question that comes my way is, “where are all the deaf people?”. It’s mainly people over forty who ask this question. Many, never having met a deaf person, are full of questions about the daily challenges, peoples’ attitudes, technology and so on. Others, not wanting to cause offence, don’t voice their questions but stumble along with any
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