Twelve UK publishers are using web technologies to present contemporary childrens’ books in sign language with audio, animation and text in a GBP1.5 million project to improve literacy levels among deaf children. The project,, offers a free online library of signed books for deaf children to develop their literacy & language skills, whether signed
Babies and toddlers need to become familiar with books before reaching school age, otherwise they will tend to associate books only with school. Infants at home will be attracted to simple pictures in books, which can prompt their first item-and-word link, the initial step in language-learning. Toddlers exposed to image-rich books and flash cards early
IDK and artist Helene Hugel are inviting families with very young deaf children to join in a series of “imaginative play” sessions. Create and the Arts Council are funding this initiative to develop creative skills with parents to support early language development in deaf children. The initial sessions will take place at the National Cochlear Implant
The Usborne book range includes the “Baby’s First Flashcards” product, excellent for language work at home, while being fun for babies and parents to look at and hold. Infants from 3 months upward have the option of a sharp graphic design on one side, as they learn to focus their eyes. Older babies will enjoy the softer,
A teacher just contacted IDK to advise that a young deaf pupil had arrived in her class without prior notice, and what were the next steps to take? For anyone else who may be in the same position, here’s some advice: 1) Ask your pupil’s parents/guardian if their hearing has been tested and if hearing
Deaf children don’t absorb spoken vocabulary or language as their hearing peers do. Instead, their parents, guardians and/or carers are responsible for this early learning. Spoken language acquisition at an early age is crucial for deaf infants with digital hearing-devices, especially in Irish households where both parents can work outside the home. Talk During Your Daily
No two deaf children are the same: their educational experience reflects their deafness, hearing devices worn, family background, infant language intervention and their personality. Over 3,370 deaf children in Ireland (90%) are mainstream-educated, with under 4% using sign language (NCSE, 2011). Spoken language for deaf children is chosen by 89% to 95% of hearing families in the US (Teresa
Explaining hearing-devices to children (a deaf child, siblings, family, friends or peers) can be a challenge in making sure everyone understands the facts. Concept books are great for explaining to all children the specific frustrations and issues deaf children can experience. Understanding is increased, with the deaf child realising others are in their position, and hearing children
Certain health services are provided free of charge to children in Ireland, regardless of whether their parents hold a medical card. Public health nurses visit infants at home soon after birth and routine developmental checks are scheduled when a child is about 9 months old. If parents are concerned about their child’s hearing before this, the
On March 23, 2008, Newstalk FM featured IDK in its Change-Makers series. Note: Caroline has since had two cochlear implants, which make her speech clearer now. Newstalk’s Louise Williams spoke with the founder of IDK, Caroline Carswell. Here is the full conversation. C: Caroline Carswell and L: Louise Williams C: ‘My name is Caroline Carswell and I’ve been
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