Ninety per cent of deaf children (over 3,300 in total) attend mainstream schools in Ireland. This statistic relating to inclusive education, shows general teaching approaches must change to support altering needs with digital hearing technologies and teaching techniques. Facilitating Inclusive Education in Ireland Inclusive education should be an option for parents in Ireland who want
As a parent, fighting for services for your child can lead you into loops and delays. Times when you don’t have an essential letter with you for example, or a report on your child that needs forwarding after appointments. To avoid delays in service provision, you can do a few things to secure services that
Earlier this year, Hidden Hearing (the hearing-aid provider) contacted IDK about the difficulty parents can have in sourcing hearing aids and earmoulds for their children. Ear-moulds give parents particular grief, as children grow in millimetres and a new set may not fit if it is delayed for a few months. Hidden Hearing will fit IDK’s
With young readers now having the latest screen-based reading options like e-books, touch-phones, DVDs and more, we are firmly in the digital age. In the US, a new DVD to teach children sign language is now on release. It is based on “Goodnight Moon” and other bedtime stories, adapted from the 1947 storybook by Margaret
State exams are stressful enough for any family, but especially when the exam candidate is deaf. Parents worry that their teen will not understand an exam question due to underdeveloped language comprehension, or simply be unable to complete an exam in time. IDK recently learned of a student who is taking the Junior Certificate exams
Australia has introduced its first mainstream “Model Classroom” for deaf students at LaSalle Catholic College in Bankstown. Classrooms are planned to maximise learning in mainstream schools with interactive whiteboards, captioned resources, visual computer content and sound-field systems. The pilot project was designed by Media Access Australia in collaboration with the Catholic Education Office and LaSalle
Children need to develop literacy skills before their first day of school and research consistently shows children learn literacy skills even before talking. Emergent literacy theorists believe that children start learning about literacy (reading and writing) from birth. Infants can learn about the letters of the alphabet and concepts of print long before they are
Late in 2009, South Africa’s “Got Talent” show announced its winner, a deaf hip-hop dancer named Darren Rajibal. The 19 year-old had danced for just four years when during a power cut he decided to entertain family and friends by dancing. Many of his moves were learned from internet videos. After the show, the lead
IDK was invited by the Arts Council to attend its Future Arts: FYI 2010 event for youngsters aged 15 to 23, in Dublin (March 27 – 29, 2010). Our role was to give a ‘hearing’ angle to the young delegates at the weekend’s discussions and workshops. This included basic hearing-awareness, explaining how Speedtext & ISL
Find more tips from the mum of a deaf boy, and a creche manager online: Including Deaf Children At Preschool (Part One), & Part Two. Key Question: what information sources did you use for advice on Charlie’s early learning in the creche? (internet / flyers / other?) (The Mum) Our creche owner contacted the NAD
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