For a €4k cash prize, small firms in Ireland were recently invited by 3 Mobile and the Sunday Business Post’s “Computers in Business” magazine, to describe how €4,000 would boost their business in 2010. Irish Deaf Kids is delighted to advise that its pitch won the competition. This funding will be invested in a project
Twelve UK publishers are using web technologies to present contemporary childrens’ books in sign language with audio, animation and text in a GBP1.5 million project to improve literacy levels among deaf children. The project,, offers a free online library of signed books for deaf children to develop their literacy & language skills, whether signed
Software and e-learning tools have massive potential in teaching deaf or hard-of-hearing children if they are adapted for full accessibility. With software tools, deaf children can hear to learn new vocabulary, numeracy and literacy skills, phonics and social skills in a structured way. Strategic video games can be used by deaf teens to learn to
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