School placement is everything for children with cochlear implants. This explanatory piece is about an 11-year-old boy named Wyatt in the US, whose parents wanted him to have a mainstream education. Here’s what happened when he attended a school for deaf students: Wyatt was treated as if he were a deaf child with a hearing aid who needed to
Public service broadcasters are tasked with serving the population in their country, often with a charter to define their obligations. On July 15th 2013, Ireland’s national broadcaster, RTÉ, held a free public lecture at University College Dublin, “Public Service Broadcasting: Innovating for the Needs of Tomorrow’s Audiences”, with “normalising difference” being one stated topic. Read:
The parent of a deaf student emailed IDK. Her child’s secondary-school teaching support hours were cut during Transition Year, when the regional SENO said this was not the case. A deadlock had resulted, so our advice was sought. Here’s what we suggested. Get a statement of resource teaching &/or SNA hours at the start. All
“Fiver Friday“, launched on July 1st, aims to encourage the Irish population to go out and spend €5 extra on local products to kick-start the economy. IDK is offering its award-winning childrens’ book, “A Birthday For Ben“ at €5.00 per book, on Fridays through end-August 2011 (down from €8.99). Subscribers to our monthly ezine can buy
Moving from primary to secondary school is a process all students undergo and can be quite daunting. Transitioning is also a crucial stage in a pre-teen child’s development, as their experiences at the time can significantly impact their later academic and social skills. For parents, the leap from primary to post-primary education can be difficult,
For the parents of deaf children campaigning for teaching supports at mainstream schools of their choice, here is an outline of two key education acts as a reference. Ten Pieces Of Legislation (Ireland) Ten pieces of legislation cover education supports and hearing services in Ireland. The two acts outlined below are completely separate from each
In Ireland, the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) free pre-school year is set to open up equal education opportunities to children nationwide. The scheme, which is to be rolled out from January 2010, will be available to all pre-schoolers in Ireland, born between 2 February 2005 to 30 June 2006 (exemptions are made for
The UK’s NDCS (National Deaf Childrens’ Society) campaigns for improved educational services on behalf of deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Its “Must do better!” campaign identifies how routine teaching services for deaf children can be improved now, and in the government’s 2020 strategy. From autumn 2009, as a result of campaigns by NDCS and other entities,
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