A music teacher’s refusal to wear a FM microphone in a thirteen-year-old girl’s music class at a middle school in Vermont, US, is the focus of a state legal case on the student’s rights. Reading the legal briefing document for this case gives excellent insights to practical challenges and limits of using a FM system
Music heard through cochlear implants is more complex for wearers to decode than speech, leading researchers to believe that simplifying key pieces of music may be one solution. Pitch and timbre are challenging to hear when music notes or instruments are similar, but this NPR piece, Deaf Jam: Experiencing Music Through A Cochlear Implant explains
Hearing tests in South Africa via teleaudiology systems now offer two options for client diagnostics. The first is asynchronous tests with clients tested (remotely) online and results passed to a professional. With synchronous tests, a client’s hearing is tested in real time, with the professional reviewing and referring the test results onward as relevant. Apps For Self-Programming Hearing-Aids Transmedicine audiology systems, or
A young dancer who’s deaf, wrote a review of the game, “Dance Central Spotlight” with Kinect, with several accessibility tips for developers of gaming interfaces. Specifically, Video games are not excluding [people who have hearing issues] with music-based games, but are… providing a visualization of music that can bring music to deaf and hard of hearing gamers in
Links between music and speech rhythms have long been documented, with digital hearing-devices and imaging technologies bringing new insights to how we interpret these rhythms in everyday activities – including reading. Music “Is” Language This collection of links starts by explaining how music appreciation sessions for children that mix music with movement, can improve auditory-language skills,
Newborn hearing testing in the UK means Lacey Bradley now sings and plays guitar in a music club. She first got hearing-aids at two weeks old, before her bilateral cochlear implants at age three and four, respectively. Newborn Hearing Tests Give A Solid Start Read: Lacey’s progress a sound reason for baby testing Outcomes are
A book, “Music Is The Key To Unlocking Your Child’s Potential” by language therapist Karen O’Connor, has launched in Ireland (€12.99, Londubh Books). The book tells how music-based sound therapy engaged specific children at Karen’s practice, with their learning and language subsequently developing. In 2011, the Sound Advice piece, “Music Has Educational Benefits For Deaf
A new app enables children with hearing-aids and cochlear implants, to practice their listening and speaking with flash-cards and a range of speech sounds for each letter. Very cleverly, the app has parent tips for its use. Read: New HOPE Words App for iPhones and iPads Video: See the Hope Words App in action The
Are you curious about what your child will learn when they start school? How will they learn, and with what? Computers, not books! Today’s toddlers are digital natives. Namely, they will grow up knowing how to use smartphones and tablet PCs, regardless of their social or educational background. More preschoolers know how to use a
Deaf people do not live in a silent world without sound, as is often assumed. Music is present in everyone’s life and is enjoyed by all, no matter how they hear it. For some, the sound, tune and lyrics vary in volume and clarity, but rhythm pervades whether it is heard or felt (vibration or change
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