Positive results for students using realtime captions in classrooms are noted in a case study by PhillipsKPA that uses research findings from the Victorian Deaf Education Institute (VDEI) and the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training (DET). NOTE: Mainstream schools can use this learning for use with students with access issues. Read: Using Real-Time Captioning With Students Who Have Hearing
A new app enables children with hearing-aids and cochlear implants, to practice their listening and speaking with flash-cards and a range of speech sounds for each letter. Very cleverly, the app has parent tips for its use. Read: New HOPE Words App for iPhones and iPads Video: See the Hope Words App in action The
Are you curious about what your child will learn when they start school? How will they learn, and with what? Computers, not books! Today’s toddlers are digital natives. Namely, they will grow up knowing how to use smartphones and tablet PCs, regardless of their social or educational background. More preschoolers know how to use a
Many parents of deaf children ask how to do “language practice” at home, as advised by language teachers and educators. Reading is one way, and another is to talk with your child, in their favoured communication mode. Recently, the IDK team saw a great example of “language practice” online, written by a hard-of-hearing visiting teacher
Deaf children can find mathematics challenging in terms of the vocabulary, language, and the need to understand new concepts. A solution has come to our attention: The Number Board, from Galway-based Wesco Ireland. What’s really clever, is that the Number Board is interactive whiteboard-compatible and has corresponding software for multi-sensory learning. The Number Board is
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