Teaching supports like captioning on a tablet PC, can allow deaf students to learn in operating theatre practicals where everyone is masked and gowned. The University of California solved the issue of a deaf student lip-reading masked colleagues in theatre, by using a tablet PC to provide live-captioning (CART). The PC device was wrapped in clear plastic
“Communication technologies [for] people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing are just as much for the general hearing public… in that they foster communication between both groups.” ** Think of SMS texting on mobile phones, web-chat (via text, video or voice), and Facebook or Twitter posts as everyday solutions for universal access. Real-time captioning (CART) and
On November 2nd, 2011, Conor Byrne at Dublin South FM interviewed Caroline Carswell from Irish Deaf Kids, on IDK and its activities. This transcript has been generated by Miriam Walsh, a former IDK intern who still contributes time to IDK’s operations, as needed. Read the radio transcript (pdf format) Listen to the podcast interview (25.2
IDK’s latest seminar, “Exploring Post-School and College Options”, was held in Dublin on November 3rd, 2011 for deaf teens and their parents to explore college, career and employment options. Seminar topics covered: The DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) system Third-level college supports for deaf/hard-of-hearing students Internships and volunteer work for students Paid mentored placements
Gallaudet University in Washington DC is the world’s only campus where all programs and services are designed for deaf and hard of hearing students. This is no easy feat, as the university offers over 40 major degree courses toward Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science awards. Undergraduate students can self-direct their majors and choose
IDK’s February 19th life-skills workshop for deaf/hard-of-hearing teens, was a chance to catch up with attendees from the first workshop (October 2010). Very satisfactorily, at least two attendees reported progress with big issues they’d been struggling with. After the first workshop, they felt empowered to look at their issues differently, and to try a different approach.
IDK’s first Life Skills workshop for deaf and hard-of-hearing teens in Dublin yesterday, was high-energy and received great feedback (see below). Mike Rossney, the first presenter, used a board-break exercise to show the teens they can break through their own ‘barriers’ if they apply themselves. By taking charge of their fears, they can then move
Last April (2009), Irish Deaf Kids (now Sound Advice) received an Innovation Voucher worth €5,000 from Enterprise Ireland, to be used to solve a business issue. The Innovation Voucher initiative, introduced in 2007 by Enterprise Ireland, aims to create links between Irish knowledge providers and small businesses. To qualify for an Innovation Voucher, a company
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