For deaf students, employees and innovators in large gatherings or training environments, captioning is a lifeline. That’s the only way to put it. This point was clear to me after a recent conference at which eight hours of lipreading was required, because the organisers did not have a budget for captioning. On the bus home,
A new study by the University of East Anglia (UEA) suggests computers are now better at lip-reading than humans. The performance of a computer based lip-reading system was compared to that of 19 human lip-readers. Results showed the computerised system was over 50% better at recognition than the humans completing the same task. Simultaneously, the
Lip-reading can be an imprecise science at times, but certain children and individuals find it’s a lifeline to understanding what’s said around them. Babies naturally look at peoples’ faces when their attention is attracted, or they are spoken to. It’s never too early to teach lipreading, regardless of how a baby is going to communicate eventually. Babies Lipread
Any deaf person will tell you they’re routinely ‘pigeon-holed’ by others who don’t understand deafness, or can’t see the abilities of the person they meet. Don’t Visualize Signing Stereotypes Deaf people can do most things – even if they don’t hear. Some might communicate in different ways and encounter issues other people don’t. Kellie Moody, a deaf
Communication is a major decision for parents of deaf children, as it will shape their child’s life and prospects from an early age, with implications for their education and working life. Here’s a communication options chart with all the options and their commitments for families to review. Printing the chart to discuss with your family and others may help
Deafness isn’t the tragedy that it was, at one time. With sustained early intervention and hearing-devices from birth to age three, a baby or child who is deaf achieves a good quality of life with their own personal milestones. However, if deafness is diagnosed at a late stage (after the child is 2.5 years of
Speech is a priceless gift. Especially when it has to be acquired through intensive speech therapy, language lessons and hours of pronunciation practice. Babies with a hearing impairment aren’t able to absorb and replicate the speech heard in their environment, as their hearing peers do. Help is needed, but the huge effort is rewarded with
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