Deaf students with good English language skills are able to learn European languages the same way they did English – visually, and through reading. The use of web-based videos in language-learning allows deaf students to simultaneously see + hear new words in the new language being learned. A good example is, the online Spanish
A parent recently asked IDK about Auditory Neuropathy (AN), after searching online for details about the condition. “Think about driving your car with the radio on, but you have a frayed wire somewhere between the radio and the speaker system. The sound is entering the perfectly operational radio but is not able to get through
A new study by the University of East Anglia (UEA) suggests computers are now better at lip-reading than humans. The performance of a computer based lip-reading system was compared to that of 19 human lip-readers. Results showed the computerised system was over 50% better at recognition than the humans completing the same task. Simultaneously, the
Lip-reading can be an imprecise science at times, but certain children and individuals find it’s a lifeline to understanding what’s said around them. Babies naturally look at peoples’ faces when their attention is attracted, or they are spoken to. It’s never too early to teach lipreading, regardless of how a baby is going to communicate eventually. Babies Lipread
Speech is a priceless gift. Especially when it has to be acquired through intensive speech therapy, language lessons and hours of pronunciation practice. Babies with a hearing impairment aren’t able to absorb and replicate the speech heard in their environment, as their hearing peers do. Help is needed, but the huge effort is rewarded with
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