Gallaudet University in Washington DC is the world’s only campus where all programs and services are designed for deaf and hard of hearing students. This is no easy feat, as the university offers over 40 major degree courses toward Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science awards. Undergraduate students can self-direct their majors and choose
IDK held an information session on mainstream education on March 4th, in Dublin. The event, for parents and educators seeking insights to educational options for deaf and hard of hearing children, was both informative and reassuring. In particular, no attempt was made to enforce a specific opinion and opportunities existed for different opinions to be heard.
To learn Irish, or not? This issue was debated at the IDK seminar last Friday. Some deaf students learn Irish, others don’t. It depends on several factors like subject choice and not least, the oral & aural element of exams. Students in Ireland typically learn Irish to qualify for university. This is why deaf students
IDK is extremely grateful to everyone who contributed their knowledge, experience and services to our Mainstreaming event in Dublin on Friday, March 4th. All feedback, ideas and discussions are now being followed up. Some presentations from the day: The IDK Story – Caroline Carswell, founder of Irish Deaf Kids The Visiting Teacher Service – Claire
On February 8th, 2011, IDK featured in the health supplement of the Irish Times newspaper. The feedback was extremely positive: here is an extract from one email received last week. Dear Caroline, Sound Advice [IDK] is a wonderful site, very cheerful and informative. I noticed in your bio, you studied history at Trinity [College Dublin]. So
The Irish Times interviewed Caroline Carswell for the Parenting section of its Health Supplement (Feb 8, 2011). The 2-page feature is online, in two parts. Sounding A Fresh Beginning (the challenges of parenting a deaf child) Making The Decision: Mainstream or Specialist Education Further Reading: Supported Mainstream Education For Deaf Children IDK’s Life-Skills Workshops, February
Interested in mainstream education for deaf children, from preschool stage? Want to know more about the issues, experiences and available supports? If so, IDK welcomes you to a FREE morning information session, “Choice, Options, Possibilities”, on March 4th, 2011, in Dublin city centre. The session includes presentations from: Parents of deaf children on their experiences
Many parents of deaf children ask how to do “language practice” at home, as advised by language teachers and educators. Reading is one way, and another is to talk with your child, in their favoured communication mode. Recently, the IDK team saw a great example of “language practice” online, written by a hard-of-hearing visiting teacher
Interested in mainstream education for deaf children? Want to know more about the issues, experiences and available supports? UPDATE: This event is postponed to the new year. If so, IDK welcomes you to a FREE morning information session, “Choice, Options, Possibilities”, on December 3rd, 2010, in Dublin city centre. The session includes presentations from: Parents
One of Sound Advice’s most-received questions is, “Which system is better for a deaf child to use at creche/school, a (personal) FM system, or a soundfield?” This article, “FM Systems ‘versus’ Soundfields“, from the American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA), gives great insights into the pros/cons of each. Follow the links below to establish how your child
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