At IDK’s tech and education event in Dublin on October 10th 2011, a few tech solutions were profiled for their role in facilitating children with hearing issues to listen, communicate and learn in mainstream environments. Classroom Technology As A Leveler A key point: technology needs integrating into an environment, to benefit everyone present – not just
IDK is hosting a seminar, “Communicate, Educate, Integrate – Technology and Deaf Children in Mainstream Environments” on October 10th, 2011, in Dublin. This FREE event is for everyone with an interest in hearing, communication, language, learning and leveling technologies for deaf children/students in mainstream settings. No prior understanding of deafness or of the technology solutions
The teaching of children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing has altered with technologies like cochlear implants and speech-to-text tools, according to a recent report from Project Forum, at the National Association of State Directors of Special Education, in the US. Read: Technology Has Changed The Teaching Of Deaf Students Notable findings in the report include: Greater acceptance
In response to a mum’s recent mail, here’s what may be expected when a child’s cochlear implant is switched on for the first time. After a cochlear implant is activated, a child can take more than a month to respond to sounds they hear. Then, “the real work begins”, families are told. (Lights, Sound) Activation!
Statistically, more deaf and hard-of-hearing students are enrolling in mainstream third-level institutions in the US (Raue & Lewis, 2011). The same is happening in Ireland, with more students in this diverse deaf population accessing higher education than ever before. Tertiary education supports students who: have hearing aids and use their residual hearing have a cochlear implant (CI)
Ireland has about 880,000 people with hearing issues (deafened, and deaf), while about 1,077 people who use ISL are in the signing Deaf community, at 0.1% (zero point one per cent) of the total population. During a recent chat in a Dublin hotel, two of the Sound Advice team were interrupted by an academic. He
The parent of a deaf student emailed IDK. Her child’s secondary-school teaching support hours were cut during Transition Year, when the regional SENO said this was not the case. A deadlock had resulted, so our advice was sought. Here’s what we suggested. Get a statement of resource teaching &/or SNA hours at the start. All
The increasing cohort of 21st century parents and deaf children who choose technology like cochlear implants in place of learning sign-language, is documented in a front-page article in The New York Times (July 27, 2011). Less than 20 percent of all families [with deaf children] choose American Sign Language, with 80 percent wanting their children to
Confirming your infant has hearing issues or profound deafness is a big shock, but today’s infants have few limits when early spoken language intervention and hearing devices are accessed. Parents find their infant has hearing difficulties ever-earlier, thanks to public education and the hearing screening tests newborns undergo before leaving hospital. Oral deaf education seeks
Dublin’s Southside People newspaper (July 6th edition) mentions how a young deaf pupil at a Dublin school is at risk of losing her classroom SNA (special needs assistant), if the current SNA-funding crisis is not resolved. Parents’ pain at special needs education cuts This Wednesday (July 13th), the Dail Technical Committee is meeting to dedicate their
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