Infants who get hearing-intervention by six months old have better results, according to multiple researchers. Dedicated audiologists aim for a one-three-six model of good practice: screening by one month old hearing-aid/s by three months, and spoken language intervention by six months Read: Ten Hearing-Commandments For Children Infants’ consistent use of hearing-devices from their first
On July 20th 2013, The Economist published a very damaging article about cochlear implants, which give families with born-deaf children valuable opportunities, such as using two spoken languages in the family home. Read: Listen Up: Technology That Lets Deaf People Hear Team Sound Advice recommends reading the below response from the founder of the Cochlear
Public service broadcasters are tasked with serving the population in their country, often with a charter to define their obligations. On July 15th 2013, Ireland’s national broadcaster, RTÉ, held a free public lecture at University College Dublin, “Public Service Broadcasting: Innovating for the Needs of Tomorrow’s Audiences”, with “normalising difference” being one stated topic. Read:
Frameweld, the New York-based digital media firm, hosted an excellent webinar, “The Why and How of Online Captioning” on June 26th, 2013. All videos, slides and Q&A topics from the webinar are in this blog post: Review: The Why And How Of Online Captioning This topic is pertinent, with leading educational institutions tasked to find affordable
Fred Suter, a deafened student from Germany who’s studying modern languages in the UK, shares how he uses realtime captions in lectures for 100% access to course material with a laptop, microphone and wifi network. Read: Experience of Communication Support At University For the Sound Advice team, this is exactly how students who’re deaf or hard-of-hearing
What is the “deaf debate” with cochlear implants? Why can they be seen as controversial? This is one of the best pieces we’ve read on the topic, to date. Read: The Deaf Culture versus Oral-Only Debate Many people are curious about this debate, as a result of the Happy New Ear campaign which is seeking
Children with hearing-aids and sufficient parental support and interaction will have a stronger vocabulary than others, according to a tertiary researcher, Karien Coppens, at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Parental encouragement and support are two key components for learning outcomes in children with hearing issues. Coppens found parent support is vital in a child’s
In the US, two to three children in every 1000 births is born profoundly deaf, 90% of these babies into hearing families. The average age for a baby to receive a cochlear implant is falling, with research showing babies of 6 to 9 months to benefit more from the technology, than even at 12 months,
Childcare facilities may overlook childrens’ cognitive spoken language and social-emotional skills development with the other early-skills children must learn, according to a recent piece in Canada’s ‘The Castlegar Source’ newspaper. When children learn and practice early social skills like turn-taking, sharing and interaction, with hand-eye coordination and early physical development, their exposure to rich, spoken
Early-years technology “awakens the imagination and fosters the cognitive development of young children”, while developing early literacy skills in children who may not have a language-rich home environment, according to Remake Learning, the blog of the Pittsburgh Kids+Creativity Network. Read: How Early Years Innovators Are Changing The Tech Game Best of all, parents and caregivers
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