Sound Advice created an e-book, “Teaching A Deaf Child To Hear And Speak: Perfectly“ (A Father’s Love), by James Hall, whose daughter hears and talks with bilateral cochlear implants. Mr Hall contacted Sound Advice after four years researching how a deaf child can acquire speech, and documenting his findings. Click the blue image below, to
Ten years ago, one family in Perth (Australia), was worried their young son Isaac, might never talk. He’s since proved himself as a natural orator. Perth boy born #deaf, now a public speaker | #hearing #edchat — Caroline Carswell (@irishdeafkids) April 20, 2014 Subtitles can be activated on the video by clicking the ‘CC’
Earlier this year, Chicago-based ENT surgeon Dana Suskind, was mentioned on this site for her Thirty Million Words project. Working with children who have cochlear implants raised her interest into how spoken language builds when family conversations are facilitated – in babies and children with/out hearing issues. Read: Want Smart Kids? Talk – And Listen – To
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