Most people who’re severely to profoundly deaf (even with digital hearing-devices) will mention recurring exhaustion from “actively listening” all the time to communicate, to receive and remember daily facts, and to process at warp-speed detail that’s fed to you – in its incompleteness or entirety. A multi-choice survey on the “Hearing Ourselves Think” blog by
A recent question came in from the childcare sector. How are creche staff taught to manage a child’s hearing-devices (and a sound-field, if relevant)? This is a valid point. Devices like hearing-aids, cochlear implants and sound-fields can really benefit a child ‘picking up’ information in their environment, and to interact with creche staff and other
Last April (2009), Irish Deaf Kids (now Sound Advice) received an Innovation Voucher worth €5,000 from Enterprise Ireland, to be used to solve a business issue. The Innovation Voucher initiative, introduced in 2007 by Enterprise Ireland, aims to create links between Irish knowledge providers and small businesses. To qualify for an Innovation Voucher, a company
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