Initially the Apple iPhone, a relative newcomer to the Irish telecoms market, may seem to be just another gadget, but there’s a lot more to it. The iPhone 4 differs from its predecessors in being marketed for video calls, media consumption, web and e-mail access. Most relevantly, it supports the FaceTime application which none of
Analogue television is being switched off in the EU in 2012. This will have mixed effects on access for deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers and educators using TV in their teaching. Here’s what to expect. Digital Television for All (DTV4All) is a European Commission (EC) funded project. Access services here, are subtitles and sign-language interpreting, for
Many parents of deaf children ask how to do “language practice” at home, as advised by language teachers and educators. Reading is one way, and another is to talk with your child, in their favoured communication mode. Recently, the IDK team saw a great example of “language practice” online, written by a hard-of-hearing visiting teacher
Interested in mainstream education for deaf children? Want to know more about the issues, experiences and available supports? UPDATE: This event is postponed to the new year. If so, IDK welcomes you to a FREE morning information session, “Choice, Options, Possibilities”, on December 3rd, 2010, in Dublin city centre. The session includes presentations from: Parents
One of Sound Advice’s most-received questions is, “Which system is better for a deaf child to use at creche/school, a (personal) FM system, or a soundfield?” This article, “FM Systems ‘versus’ Soundfields“, from the American Speech-Hearing Association (ASHA), gives great insights into the pros/cons of each. Follow the links below to establish how your child
With today’s teens doing Transition Year work experience and internships to gain workplace skills, businesses need specific advice on hearing awareness. Multinationals, small businesses, retailers and corner shops can all make their service hearing-friendly to broaden their current customer bases and reduce unintentional discrimination during their daily operations. Some everyday tips from deaf people: For
Earlier this year, Limerick-based venture, Off We Go! Publishing and its ‘experience’ books for children were mentioned on this site. Off We Go! is now offering two titles as animated iPhone & iPad apps from the App Store, in English and Spanish, with more titles to follow. The apps teach children to expect sensory experiences
For the parents of deaf children campaigning for teaching supports at mainstream schools of their choice, here is an outline of two key education acts as a reference. Ten Pieces Of Legislation (Ireland) Ten pieces of legislation cover education supports and hearing services in Ireland. The two acts outlined below are completely separate from each
Until now, eReaders (digital book-reading devices) were used exclusively by adults, but the release of vTech’s eReader models for children and Apple’s iPad means it is time to explore the benefits of eReaders for kids. One year ago, IDK noted how web technologies make story-telling inclusive for deaf and hearing children who may be in
With young readers now having the latest screen-based reading options like e-books, touch-phones, DVDs and more, we are firmly in the digital age. In the US, a new DVD to teach children sign language is now on release. It is based on “Goodnight Moon” and other bedtime stories, adapted from the 1947 storybook by Margaret
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