Gallaudet University in Washington DC is the world’s only campus where all programs and services are designed for deaf and hard of hearing students. This is no easy feat, as the university offers over 40 major degree courses toward Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science awards. Undergraduate students can self-direct their majors and choose
Initially the Apple iPhone, a relative newcomer to the Irish telecoms market, may seem to be just another gadget, but there’s a lot more to it. The iPhone 4 differs from its predecessors in being marketed for video calls, media consumption, web and e-mail access. Most relevantly, it supports the FaceTime application which none of
A conference on The Future of Deaf Education in Ireland took place at The Croke Park Conference Centre in Dublin, on March 4th, 2010. The conference saw the launch of a new policy document compiled by, The Catholic Institute of Deaf People and the IDS that aimed to set out a new future for
More and more deaf students are being taught in third-level classes, some mainstream and others not. Here, Sinead Quealy, from Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), shares her experience of teaching a group of adult deaf students. Her experience may help lecturers who teach deaf students. I taught adults for three years in Waterford City VEC. During
Many teachers or lecturers who are assigned a deaf student in their classes, can only see potential disadvantages and no way to circumvent these. Andy Kohn, who taught a deaf student at a VEC, believes otherwise. ” A deaf student in a mainstream college class has, for me, advantages rather than disadvantages. Admittedly, I teach photography, a
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