” I think the biggest obstacle is getting people to realize not all deaf people use ASL; a lot can actually speak, write well, and carry on long conversations in sometimes non-ideal settings.” We interviewed Alanna Kilroy, a business student at Boston University, who uses cochlear implants, is verbal and studied in the UK for
Nicola Fox, Sound Advice’s most recent intern, shares some insights to her experience with the venture, and what she learned along the way. I applied for an internship with Sound Advice during my degree in Journalism and Visual Media and was thrilled when Caroline welcomed me aboard in December 2010. My work with Sound Advice
Sound Advice’s latest fifth-birthday post from a past intern, is by Raluca Maier, who arrived to complete her post-graduate diploma in PR. My story at Sound Advice started in early 2011, when I had the chance to work next to Caroline Carswell on many projects. Sound Advice was launching its Facebook page, organising its workshops
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