Dialogue on audio and video files needs to be accurately machine-translated into captions, with the legal case, Noll versus IBM, recently reported in The New York Law Journal. Software engineer, Alfred Noll, employed at IBM since 1984, had used a mix of real time captioning and transcribing, plus interpreters as accommodations – but reported difficulty in accessing the corporate
Have you considered deaf pupils who learn modern languages at school? This “Modern Languages” video from the UK guides teachers and students in listening/conversing when in groups, in the classroom or working alone. NDCS – BCC MFL from NDCS on Vimeo. Children in Ireland can seek exemption from learning the Irish language, to free resource time
Sound Advice presented on classroom captions at CESI 2012 February 24-25, with the theme of TEACHnology: merging teaching and technology. Miriam Walsh very kindly co-presented on captioning videos for education, as an intern with Sound Advice. See The Presentations Miriam Walsh’s slides (she became an Apple Educator!) Saturday’s session (February 25) was web-cast via seewritenow.ie.
“Fiver Friday“, launched on July 1st, aims to encourage the Irish population to go out and spend €5 extra on local products to kick-start the economy. IDK is offering its award-winning childrens’ book, “A Birthday For Ben“ at €5.00 per book, on Fridays through end-August 2011 (down from €8.99). Subscribers to our monthly ezine can buy
Initially the Apple iPhone, a relative newcomer to the Irish telecoms market, may seem to be just another gadget, but there’s a lot more to it. The iPhone 4 differs from its predecessors in being marketed for video calls, media consumption, web and e-mail access. Most relevantly, it supports the FaceTime application which none of
Late in 2009, South Africa’s “Got Talent” show announced its winner, a deaf hip-hop dancer named Darren Rajibal. The 19 year-old had danced for just four years when during a power cut he decided to entertain family and friends by dancing. Many of his moves were learned from internet videos. After the show, the lead
Deafness had a key role in the invention of the phone, the internet and SMS texting. Miriam Walsh explains the link to each technology. Would you consider deafness to have influenced the telephone, Internet and SMS texting as everyday communication tools? Most people would not – but deafness is the universal link. The Phone Let’s
In recent years websites such as CaptionTube and independent services made videos and audio more accessible to deaf or hard of hearing people. In November 2009, Google announced the automatic captioning of videos on its YouTube site to boost captioning provision and support text indexing. Existing captioning services are not always user friendly or free.
A low-cost way of video-streaming to use and distribute information online has been described in the US by Thomas McNeal Jr. and Landon Kearns. Their article, “Using Video Streaming: Setting up a Cheap System for Distributing Information to Teachers and Students” explores how to set up a streaming system, using tools readily available in classrooms.
Premier Captioning Wicklow are proud to advise that they are working with a deaf student at Trinity College Dublin to provide support in group tutorials where students are asked to discuss questions or issues raised by the tutor. Remote Captioning Services Save Resources PCR’s service is remote, meaning the transcriber does not have to be
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