Twenty years ago, the thirty million word gap emerged in the US as an education issue for children starting kindergarten with language disadvantage. New research however shows the word gap is not the number of words children hear, as first thought. Read: Key To Vocabulary Gap Is Quality Of Conversations Conversational turns between a parent and child emerged as the key to
Babies born up to eight weeks early whose parents talked directly to them while in the care unit, had better language skills at 18 months old, according to new research from Brown University in the US. With many premature babies having hearing issues, this piece can build parents’ understanding of how language is developed through
Parents working with babies and children whose cochlear implants are newly activated, need to label particular noises with the children and emphasise listening skills to start recognising everyday sounds. One Arizona-based audiologist has devised a game for this listening-and-talking process: Read: Audiologist game to boost kids’ listening skills Talk To Newborns With Hearing-Aids Jacque Scholl
Childrens’ spoken language skills benefit from responsive interactions with childhood educators and parents, according to research from the University of North Carolina’s Frank Porter Graham (FPG) child development institute. These points are valid for infants whose hearing issues are detected near birth, and who receive digital hearing devices as a priority. Read: Early Educators Build Childrens’ Communication
Three educators are optimising a software product for students with hearing issues to access audio-visual content, to achieve a universal design for a concurrent, mainstream student pool that was not envisaged at the outset. Educators Build Web-Based Literacy Assessment Software AvenueDHH Platform The product, AvenueDHH, gives educators a standardised way to measure student literacy while allowing
Earlier this year, Chicago-based ENT surgeon Dana Suskind, was mentioned on this site for her Thirty Million Words project. Working with children who have cochlear implants raised her interest into how spoken language builds when family conversations are facilitated – in babies and children with/out hearing issues. Read: Want Smart Kids? Talk – And Listen – To
With education systems in Scandinavia seen as models for good educational practices, the IDK team reviewed early intervention approaches for families with children who have hearing issues. This resource (2012) is worth a read: Read: Scandinavia: New Challenges For Auditory Services Slide 12 cites current approaches for families, based on early detection and intervention, with
Children with hearing-aids and sufficient parental support and interaction will have a stronger vocabulary than others, according to a tertiary researcher, Karien Coppens, at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Parental encouragement and support are two key components for learning outcomes in children with hearing issues. Coppens found parent support is vital in a child’s
Childcare facilities may overlook childrens’ cognitive spoken language and social-emotional skills development with the other early-skills children must learn, according to a recent piece in Canada’s ‘The Castlegar Source’ newspaper. When children learn and practice early social skills like turn-taking, sharing and interaction, with hand-eye coordination and early physical development, their exposure to rich, spoken
Deaf children don’t absorb spoken vocabulary or language as their hearing peers do. Instead, their parents, guardians and/or carers are responsible for this early learning. Spoken language acquisition at an early age is crucial for deaf infants with digital hearing-devices, especially in Irish households where both parents can work outside the home. Talk During Your Daily
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